After a long time of waiting, the Five Pillars of Marketing will soon come to life!

Using these pillars, our goal is to help businesses simplify their marketing efforts by changing the way we look at marketing.
The old way
Marketing has always had 5 pillars:
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotion
- People
And even though these are valid, we think it’s time to give a new perspective on strategy by putting the customer first, not the product. The days of putting up an ad with a special deal and expecting thousands of people to buy are over. Buyers have the power to research any product or service more than ever before. From Youtube unboxing videos to online review sites and influencers.
The secrete to today’s marketing is to tell a compelling and engaging story. Not just on your home page but with everything! A story your visitor can connect with. A story that shines light and gives a clear path to what your customers want.The New Perspective on The Five Pillars of Marketing
I look forward to sharing more and to helping businesses re-organize their marketing strategies with these pillars. Thank you and stay tuned!
These pillars focus on the customer journey. They force you to stop, to think of the path and milestones your potential buyer experiences along the way.